Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Dating by Numbers

I have a boyfriend #2. Yup, you heard me right.

Bf #2. Like the song. "'Cause the first one he don't reeeeallay, seem like he know what to doo-ooh-woo."

Yeah, just like that.

And, even though I refer to my ex-boyfriend as bf #1, he's not, really. He has a girlfriend, we (finally, after one year of dating and two years of being friends, stopped sleeping together) and really all that makes him 'bf #1' in a sense is the level of emotional intimacy we share. We say I love you, we hug and touch, we talk about deeply personal things and I know everything there is to know about the guy, bad or good, and vice versa.

But really, no, there is no bf #1. There's friends, there's boys I have vested in interest in, but it's a proverbial empty time slot in my romantic line up.

Boyfriend #2, however, is a dreamy Piscean California transplant who left a relationship of four years (his 'gf #1,' so to speak) and came out to live in the land of sand, sun, palm trees, and beautiful blond women. (What? I have to give myself a shout out, if I don't who will. Not bf #2. Maybe.)

Now, I was always under the impression that having heard the term in the song, bf #2 jumped at the chance to identify himself as such in my life, as to avoid conflict regarding commitment, exclusivity, monogamy, etc. I'm not entirely opposed to this, given my current situation as well, but now, my beautiful bf #2 seems to take offense at the terms surrounding his title in regards to my personal freedoms.

What do you do when your bf #2 wants to be the only one, but not bf#1?

Initially I searched for a new a bf #1, but realized this only has the potential for further conflict, something that I do NOT want, I know that at least...

So now, in order to keep this beautiful, blue eyed, conflicted, WASP on the outside, earth child on the inside boy from becoming bf #0,


it seems I will simply continue having a bf #2.

Unless (until?) he asks for a promotion.

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